The redevelopment plan is conceptualized with a vision to create self-sustainable neighborhoods, providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a ‘Green Development’
The Master Plan of Delhi (MPD) – 2021 encourages the redevelopment of old residential areas to utilize the existing land resources in a more efficient manner to meet the growing demand for built-up space. It recommends a redevelopment strategy of accommodating more population in a planned manner to be taken up on priority in all used zones for efficient and optimum utilization of the existing urban land. The project, therefore, addresses the following issues- the need to remove old unsafe buildings in these colonies, the need to build safer buildings as per today’s structural norms & technologies, to use the best practices for marking a sustainable living environment, redevelopment of all the three colonies are conceptualized with a Vision to create 3/4-Star GRIHA Rated, self-sustainable neighborhoods, thereby providing a definitive standard for what constitutes a ‘Green Building’.